Training on School Based Climate Change Adaptation And School Garden Establishment cum Management
"With vision of Green School"
Young people increasingly are isolated from the land and deprived of the joys and responsibilities it teaches.— Alice Waters
In coordination with 2 schools; Indrawati and Bagdevi Secondary School of Mandan Deupur Municipality of Kavreplanchowk district, one day trainings on “School Based Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and School Garden (SG) Establishment cum Management” were conducted in accordance to the project plan of Mandan Deupur Agro Forest Resource Center (MD-AFRC) implemented in financial support of The Glacier Trust. There was participation of 20 school children in Indrawati whereas 21 in Bagdevi. Trainings in both schools were facilitated by our JTAs Mr. Hari Kumar Karki and Ms. Umisha Khatri. The children have been educated on;
- · concept of climate change;
- · causes of climate change;
- · effect of climate change on agriculture;
- · role of young generation for CCA;
- · introduction of SG and its importance;
- · their responsibilities
There has been plenty of debate surrounding climate change education in schools, stemming from the recent student-led strikes. Click here for more information. In this context, secondary grades studying children will learn about factors that drive climate change and the vulnerability, key approaches and technologies to adopt to the impacts of climate change through the conduction of such training.
SGs are a wonderful way to use the schoolyard as a classroom, reconnect students with the natural world and the true source of their food, and teach them valuable gardening, tree crops, agriculture concepts and skills that integrate personal and social responsibilities. It supports to enhance their knowledge regarding different vegetables, fruits, nuts its types, how to grow that supports in increasing patience of the children.
School children will have and be;
- in-field learning, teamwork and social skills
- self-confidence and a sense of "capableness" along with new skills and knowledge in tree crops and vegetable growing;
- different learning styles and intelligences;
- improved academic achievement because learning is more relevant and hands-on
- more fit and healthy as they spend some time active in the field
- diversified and beautified school environment
- respectful what they feel some ownership in