The Agro-Forestry Resource Center (AFRC) (2014 - 2016)



The Agro-Forestry Resource Center (AFRC) (2014 - 2016)

The AFRC was implemented for 3 years from 2014 to 2016 with the financial support of The Glacier Trust ( The project supported the improvement of livelihoods of local farmers through capacity building, income generation and awareness on NRM practices and techniques.  It aimed to increase the productivity of natural resources through diversified and integrated on-farm and forestry practices (livestock, trees and crops) to improve both food security and the balance within a sustainable ecosystem. The improved NRM practices introduced included crop diversification, reforestation, rational use of water, slope stabilization, nursery development, improved livestock rearing, fodder and forage plantation, and NRM education, all of which are components in enhancing livelihoods and conserving bio-diversity.


The establishment and sustainable operation of the Agro Forest Resource Center in Deusa VDC of Solukhumbu district, now under local management, was a very successful model of a community-led resource center, and has been highly appreciated, and is now being replicated by stakeholders and other mountain communities.